A Continuation of Lost Thoughts

A collection of thoughts captured from my mind and vividly displayed on screen in poem form.

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Location: Newburgh, Indiana, United States

I'm a 29 year-old wannabe writer, who enjoys a good dream. I'm also a big proponent of drinking liquid magic shell. My taste buds are partial to caramel, but any ol' flavor will do.

Friday, November 04, 2005

The Visit

A blue-buckled girl down the street shelters a swiss cheese heart. I know because she let me take a peek while she was eating curds and strawberries. One day, a sweet-toothed doctor came to her door. He tried to plug the holes in her chest with cotton candy, but he hadn't eaten for weeks. She said he ran off with the candy, and left her a note instead. It said she had nine bites to live. I think she has five more to go, unless Uncle Belly Ache gets to her first. It's kind of a shame if you think about it. She used to taste delicious. Yum, yum. Quite sugary. It was the real thing. Nothing about her was NutraSweet.


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